This is a list of all known MacDonald Instruments tape recorders from the 70s and 80s

MacDonald Instruments


This brand was known for selling CB radios and walkie-talkies during the 70s. Their products were made in Taiwan or Hong Kong and distributed in the US by R.J. MacDonald Int`l Corp.

Here is a list of their boomboxes and tape recorders:

MacDonald Instruments 06-33-02
MacDonald Instruments 06-33-17
MacDonald Instruments 06-33-49
MacDonald Instruments 06-33-62
MacDonald Instruments 06-33-63
MacDonald Instruments 06-33-67
MacDonald Instruments 06-44-20
MacDonald Instruments 8PSR-3000
MacDonald Instruments CTPR-2200A
MacDonald Instruments G-024

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